10 Brackets of Contented Life

Gagandeep Singh
4 min readMar 11, 2021


6 generations - different roles

In the end we all become stories - carve a beautiful one.

One thing can be said with certainty, “Everyone who is born will die” - let’s make an endeavor to fill happiness in between. There are no sacrosanct rules to live life but little planning can definitely prevent it from going drastically wrong, after all there’s no second chance for correction. Here are 10 broad brackets on how to achieve a contented existence so that we don’t end up turning into a ‘Gulag’.

(0–10) Carefree Primaries

This is arguably the best phase of one’s life and as parents don’t spoil it by exerting unnecessary pressure on toddlers. Let kids enjoy their lives without undue botheration. Gently introduce them to good habits. Always remember, they’ll emulate what they observe at home.

(11–20) Energetic Teens

Teach the children about importance of deriving happiness while doing hard work. Help them to differentiate between ‘necessity and greed’ by giving real life examples. Explain social etiquettes and see that they are imbibed and not thrusted. Keep a watchful eye and lend a patient ear to teenagers as this crucial formative period will have many points of no return.

(21–30) Powerful Twenties

Rebellion to realization - it will have all the colors. Plan your career thoughtfully and never take easiest path while doing so. Work hardest, take the pressure situations head on and stretch yourself to the limit. Spare a thought about your finances, though it still won’t be substantial to contemplate serious investments. Marriage in second half after due diligence, as any major mismatch of temperaments will result in derailment of many decades of your life.

(31–40) Mature Thirties

Make wise and informed choices. Decisions taken in this duration will have a long lasting impact and will define course of your future life. Flamboyance of yesteryears needs to go, else repercussions may be serious. Work hard but towards fag end set limits on amount of professional pressure, as by now you have additional responsibilities on home front too. Bond formed with kids in this phase will be cherished forever. Don’t blow up every penny, though it will be tempting to do so.

(41–50) Naughty Fourties

Irrespective of success or failures, this duration will bring out a dash of carefree attitude. Start reducing professional work in a gradual manner and divert saved time and energy towards your family. Chalk out the optimum work-home balance. Aim for comfortable twilight years by initiating investments in retirement kitty and inculcating healthy eating habits. By this time your parents reach a stage where they require assistance. Don’t be heartless and tend to their needs because this ‘Karma’, good or bad, will come back through your kids.

(51–60) Grey Fifties

You’ve achieved professionally what max you could’ve and now keep the work pressure to minimal. It’s time to support the career of kids, which may prove to be tough or easy depending upon how efficiently you’ve taken family along during your 30’s and 40’s. Put own health on priority by means of regular exercises, avoiding substance abuse and through routine medical checkups as this is the period where lifestyle diseases began to manifest. With retirement around the corner, implement your plans and make a ‘Will’ discreetly, which will be handy in case of early conk off.

(61–70) Senior Sixties

Well deserved and hard earned free time is here. Start executing bucket list. But also do remember, you’ve only retired from profession and not work. Remain busy fulfilling family requirements -be it lending a helping hand to children, raising grand children or mundane chores. Take a backseat advisory role because unsolicited interference may invite a label of ‘disgruntled snob’. Forgive everyone, not holding any grudge is the key to happy contented old age. Develop a hobby to give you a company when you’ll be left alone, in case spouse predeceases you.

(71–80) Forgetful Seventies

Consider yourself lucky to have lived this long. Majority of couples end their journey of togetherness in this decade of life. Don’t be remorseful of departure of other half; instead rejoice the memories of time well spent. Start releasing household duties steadily. Go through your ‘Will’ once again and make amendments, if required, as you do not want your brood to quarrel once you are gone. Keep those friends in prayers who could not make it this far.

(81–90) Shaky Eighties

That’s a bonus time. Be thankful to God or genes (depending upon individual belief) for providing opportunity to live life to the fullest. Don’t keep any regrets, whatsoever. Focus on not becoming a burden for as long as possible. Maintain a relaxing schedule and wait until there’s a knock on the Heaven’s door.

(91–100) Lucky Nineties

There are no plans for this phase as probably you won’t remember them. And even if memory doesn’t fail, you’ll have no means to execute them. Let this time go with the flow while awaiting reunion with your spouse and parents.

When you are done, it’ll be immaterial whether you were male or female, rich or poor, famous or ordinary, religious or atheist, straight or bisexual, shy or outspoken. What matters in the end is how well you’ve utilized your time on this planet. Once dusted, you won’t be around to see as how people will remember you. But it is always better that your thought brings a smile on the faces of those who are left behind.



Gagandeep Singh
Gagandeep Singh

Written by Gagandeep Singh

Father ¦ Son ¦ Husband ¦ Thinker

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